We, the moderators of Duel-Arena and Duel-Boards.com, are here to serve the community of members and players. By deleting posts, locking threads, and banning users, we are only trying to keep the boards clean and appropriate so that the utmost enjoyment is possible. Members should not be afraid to PM us with reports of rule breaking, general questions, or problems of your own. However, this does not mean you will always get the response you want. Depending on the content of the PM, we may not respond at all or merely redirect you to another place to ask the question. You have to understand that we are very busy and have lives outside of Duel-Arena on top of that. During our short time since becoming moderators, we have experienced spam, flaming, flooding, etc. We decided to be productive and let players do their own characters, decks and other things like that, because we always look on this forum, especially at Custom Made Characters, where we get our inspiration. So don't stop making decks and cards, because we're wathing those pieces of arts and maybe, you could be one of the lucky people who has its creation/s published on the arena! Also, so you don't get banned or something like this, start reading the rules. It isn't that hard. Have fun !
Thanks for reading,
~Duel-Boards Moderating Staff